General Meeting Information

Date: December 5, 2024
Time: 1:30 p.m.
Location: Zoom

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    1:30-1:35 p.m. Welcome and Introductions I/D All
    1:35-1:40 p.m. Approval of Minutes I/D/A


    1:40-2 p.m.

    Website Improvements

    • Diaz
    • Harrell
    2-2:15 p.m.


    I/D/A All
    2:15-2:30 p.m.

    Tech Plan Updates

    I/D All
    2:30-3 p.m.

    Standing Updates

    • Accessibility
    • Banner Student
    • ETS
    • Online Education Advisory Group


    • All
    • Galoyan
    • Hadsell
    • Nocito

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes [DRAFT]


    Samuel Bliss, Raymond Brennan, James Capurso, Juan Diaz, Nazy Galoyan, Brandon Gainer, David Garrido, Jory Hadsell, Alex Harrell, Sridevi Lakshmanan, Kevin Metcalf, Gabriela Nocito, Cheryl Owiesny, Mary Pape (Tri-chair), Justin Schultz, Fatima Zehra Shaikh, Dennis Shannakian (Tri-chair), Chelsey Taniguchi (Notes)

    Approval of Minutes

    The October minutes were approved with minor edits. 

    Website Improvements

    The new conference travel funds form will be released soon, which will reduce 30 hours a week of labor (Harrell).

    The online application for Auto Tech's new bachelor's degree program was completed and sent over to them (Harrell).

    The Web Team has implemented changes to the student voting system so that students are able to change their votes after submission if a candidate is removed from the election (Shannakian).

    The Covid self-report form for employees used to be housed on the De Anza website. The Web Team successfully moved the form over to the district website after working with HR (Harrell).

    Owiesny asks if students are still supposed to be reporting covid, but no one is sure. Bliss states that we have to hold data until policy changes, and that staff must report but he is unsure about students. Shaikh adds that at the beginning of classes, professors mention self-reporting covid cases.

    Tech Committee Involvement in AI Projects

    ETS looks at AI from a systems level approach and is looking at how other institutions handle it (Hadsell). 

    Harrell asks if there is one cohesive place where all AI conversations can be stored or consolidated – especially conversations about how it affects the district and employees.

    Pape asks when ETAC will put together a statement on AI, at the district level, that will integrate materials from AI workgroups.

    Bliss asks what material the district allows to be submitted into an AI tool. 

    Metcalf asks would it be helpful to start with conversations around the implications of AI on information literacy.

    Hadsell answers that personal, student and confidential information cannot be put into public AI models. AI should have humans in the loop and make opportunities for people to do higher order thinking, rather than lose work. Also, ETS does repeat a lot of the work happening in the senates (Hadsell). 

    Nocito says we have to be careful with protecting academic freedom and each professors' content. Additionally, we already have academic guidelines in place that cover AI, so these policies just need to be updated to answer more questions (Nocito). 

    Brennan adds that a new bill makes it illegal for AI to completely replace a teacher. He is mainly hearing questions about if the district can provide instructors with a reliable AI checker. He also adds that faculty are looking for support or directives (Brennan). 

    Hadsell adds that the AI working group is open to anybody.

    Taniguchi, on behalf of Spatafore, shares information about Nectir AI, which creates personalized AI course assistants that understand course materials and serve as a 24/7 learning partner for students.

    Gainer says it is a good tool, but it is not integrated into Canvas so students have to go to an external site.

    Bliss asks if we maintain intellectual property rights over classes that are uploaded.

    Gainer says not to his awareness, but he is not sure.

    Nocito adds that Khan Academy is launching an AI tool called Khanmigo that will be integrated into Canvas.

    Hadsell says they have approached Foothill College about a Khanmigo partnership, but in conversation Khan academy shows that their tool isn't ready yet. It is also geared toward K-12, so testing has been pushed back until probably fall. 

    Technology Plan Updates


    Goal 1: Increase Overall Student Access to Technology for Learning and Services

    Includes but not limited to the provision of laptops for students, and other devices as necessary; software and software as a service (SAAS) as appropriate, both required and that would enhance the student experience; continuous technical improvement of communications resources including the website, app and portal; and classroom equipment to support student learning and engagement in evolving modalities, with classroom needs documented through updated classroom standards, program review and the Facilities Condition Assessment

    • The transition to the new MyPortal has been completed (Hadsell)
    • The implementation of AB 928 has been started and students can access ADT plans (Galoyan)

    Goal 2: Increase and Enhance Faculty and Staff Professional Development and Training

    Includes but not limited to robust training and related communication about the trainings based on faculty and classified professional feedback, including to holistically improve online pedagogy and pedagogy in the use of technology tools, including in evolving modalities and accessibility training

    • The streamlined form for applying for conference funds is being tested (Harrell)
    • The majority of faculty members have been trained on part 1 of RSI training and the registration for part 2 has been launched. The intensive pilot for fall will be completed. (Nocito)

    Goal 3: Continue Work to Ensure Accessibility

    Includes but not limited to implementation of SAAS to support an equitable teaching and learning environment; researching strategies and emerging technologies and implementing as appropriate; ongoing ensuring of accessibility in instructional and communications tools

      • There is ongoing training on accessible word documents from CCC (Lakshmanan)
      • RSI 2 training teaches faculty how to use the Pope Tech accessibility checkers (Nocito)
      • ZTC grant pilots are also continuing accessibility training (Bliss)

    Goal 4: Enhance Communication and Collaboration with ETS to Achieve Evolving Priority College Objectives

    Strategy to include monthly small-group meetings of Tech Committee and ETS leadership, with updates as requested, on college-identified priorities including but not limited to

    • Ubiquitous, functioning Wi-Fi, including on Athletics fields and in parking lots
    • Upgraded technology for employees, including shorter personal technology refresh cycle of three years, as appropriate
    • Improving communication, including of system and software availability and changes
    • Development and support of peripheral loan program to address additional needs, such as doc cams, iPads for whiteboards, etc.
    • College-identified projects that
      • Directly affect student success or the student experience, particularly timely requests via expert administrators
      • Address regulatory issues
    • Enhanced communication between ETS and college around prioritization of technology projects (Bliss and Metcalf)
    • Collaborative work at both colleges and the district on implementing new laws and changes for AB928 and AB1111 (CCM) (Hadsell)
    • Work to combat fraud and work on AI fraud detection (Hadsell)

    Standing updates


    There is ongoing training on accessible word documents from California Community Colleges (Lakshmanan).

    RSI 2 training teaches faculty how to use the Pope Tech accessibility checkers (Nocito).

    ZTC grant pilots are also continuing accessibility training (Bliss).

    Banner Student:

    ETS is working with eLucien to be ready for fall to show student facing common course numbering, as required by AB1111 (Hadsell). 

    ETS is also working to simplify student attendance accounting and is creating a new standard formula for FTES (Full-time Equivalent Students) (Galoyan). This will be tested in February and should be ready by the end of the year (Hadsell). 

    Banner is being migrated out of eLucien and into Oracle, which should be complete by June. This will be cost neutral (Hadsell). 

    Shannakian asks about Title IX training. Galoyan says current regulation states that students cannot register until their training is completed. The training is ready, but ETS is working on implementation. 

    Owiesny asks about searchable courses. Hadsell says that courses differ in how they are alphabetized (by acronym or department) in Banner 9.

    ETS Update:

    There is enhanced communication between ETS and the college around the prioritization of technology projects (Bliss and Metcalf).

    There is collaborative work at both colleges, and the district, on implementing new laws and changes for AB928 and AB1111 (CCM) (Hadsell).

    ETS is working to combat fraud and working on AI fraud detection (Hadsell).

    Online Education:

    COOL met a few weeks ago and worked on a form for an online course guide. They will have an update on a hybrid course form next quarter. The forms didn't change, just the guide (Nocito and Capurso). 

    The Curriculum Committee has a new website (Nocito and Capurso). 

Documents and Links

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