How to access various data tools

The Office of Institutional Research and Planning has many interactive data tools available for individuals within the campus community to access via MyPortal. The guides below walk users through the process of logging in through MyPortal, accessing the data toole and interpreting the results.  


Glossary of key terms and definitions (e.g., success rate, equity gaps)

Program Review Data Sheet

How-to guide on accessing the program review data and disaggregating by course and student populations.

Enrollment and Course Success

How-to guide on exploring the program review data further such as comparing two or more course/student characteristics.

Degrees and Certificates

How-to guide to access degree and certificate data and disaggregate by award type, major and ethnicity.

Course Success with Disproportionate Impact

How-to guide to explore disproportionate impacts by student group. 

Custom Student Cohort

How-to guide to create and manage a custom student cohort to track outcomes for specific groups of students.

Inquiry Tool

How-to guide to access the Inquiry Tool to explore course success, non success and withdraw rates by section. 

Student Success Dashboards

How to access and interpret dashboards that provide de-identified section-level data that faculty members can use in planning their teaching and learning strategies.  

Productivity Measures

How-to guide to access the scheduling tool to display enrollment, fill rates, sections, FTEF, FTES, productivity and WSCH at the section level.

Enrollment History by Course

How-to guide for deans to display course enrollment history, fill rates, drop rates, success rates and equity gaps by section.

Course Meeting Times

How-to guide for deans and schedulers to display meetings times for in-person courses by day and time.
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